Reply To: How to crack IAS Exam in Single Attempt ?


How to start preparing for UPSC Civil Services Examination?
Before you make up your mind to give at least one year of your life completely dedicated to one
mission, you must remember that this examination is not only a one-way road but requires
adjustment to many twists and turns. It is basically a complex mixture of hard work with smart
management. So, if you think that you can perform the hard task consistently for over a year or so,
you can expect huge dividends in return.
One misunderstanding that many of us carry with us on our shoulders is that we would have to
study a lot, of course, we do have to study but we have to do it in a smart way. Take shortcuts,
learn from the experienced people, trust your mentors and take a cue from the failure and success
of others. Most important lesson is to stick to the official sources as much as possible. Develop a
habit of questioning opinions, of course, do not question the official facts. The smart way to
success is to manage the enormous knowledge that would come your way, and not just allow
everything to pass through your mind.
At Raj Malhotra’s IAS Coaching Chandigarh, we strive to develop the overall personality of an
aspirant by not resorting to spoon feeding the opinions. We would provide you shortcuts and help
you to achieve the desired results in a time bound manner. We would work with you like a fellow
aspirant and guide you towards the smartest route to each and every part of the syllabus. The
biggest help that we can provide you is to completely cover the syllabus (unlike many conventional
coaching centres today) and help you interconnect one part with another.
Once you make up your mind to be an IAS officer, start thinking like an IAS officer, speaking like an
officer and if possible and acting like an IAS officer to completely imbibe those qualities in you.